Thursday, September 2, 2010

Move-in day

I haven't even been here for 48 hours and it feels like I have already been here for a week! In the spirit of "when in Barcelona..." we have been trying to adjust to the daily schedule around here - which means a light breakfast in the morning, a bigger meal around 2:00 in the afternoon, dinner from 8:30 - 11:00 and then staying out early into the morning. That is definitely going to take some time to get used to! We had to wake up very early this morning to move into our apartment, and needless to say we are all EXHAUSTED.

Yesterday we had orientation presentations in the morning and then took a bus tour of the city in the afternoon. It was good to get a feel for different areas of the city and see where I would like to continue exploring, like Gaudi's famed Sagrada Familia and some of the art museums. Unfortunately I forgot to charge the battery on my camera, but there were a number of places that I will be visiting again, so pictures will be coming! We walked up and down Las Ramblas last night - this is probably the most well known street in Barcelona, attracting the most tourists, and consequently, the most pickpockets. Not to worry, I kept all of my belongings right by my side and everything was fine. We had dinner at a place that I think was probably a little overpriced because it was in such a heavily tourist-populated area, but we still got to dine on some paella de marisco and sangria which was a pleasant way to start off our stay here in BCN.

This morning we moved into our apartment. We were all very tired from traveling and a packed couple of days (and late nights) but so excited to move in! We were very surprised by how nice our apartment was - we were prepared to expect very simple amenities - but I think you will agree that we have quite the setup here! Here's a quick tour of the apartment... forgive me for the blurriness, my camera is not the best for taking videos:

So... what do you think of the apartment?

Now it is about time for my siesta. As you can see, we got the chance to unpack a little bit but later this afternoon we will head out to try to find some clothing hangers, sheets, groceries, and towels. I can't believe I am going to be living here for four months! Although it is very nice that Betsy and I do not start classes until next Friday, I am just ready to be settled in and getting used to classes and a more concrete schedule.


  1. Linds the apartment is so cool, your common room area is huge! And yeah I remember the late dinner thing from Argentina, it takes some getting used to haha. Miss you!

  2. Hi Linds! I have been following your travels with excitement and anticipation! I love your apartment and am loving getting blow by blows of all the things you are doing. All your posts are so interesting! Keep it goin', baby....we love hearing about it all!

  3. Linds, of course we would expect nothing less that a princess apartment!! Wow! Looks great! We will nail down dates to come see you tomorrow and give you a call. Have a great weekend! Great to talk to you today. Love you. Dad and Bridget
